DIGNA, the right for women to interrupt pregnancy resulting from rape

Like any other situation women face, rape, pregnancy resulting from rape and forced pregnancy –when interruption is not accessible–, condense the discrimination women live in our societies, as well as highlighting the role social and legal institutions play in the reproduction of this discrimination. Forcing woman to continue with an unwanted pregnancy caused by rape undermines their human dignity. Therefore, it is necessary that health and justice sector professionals, as well as public administration agents, have a better understanding of their responsibilities and carry out actions to comply with the norms regarding access to lawful termination of pregnancy (LTP) of women who have been raped, thereby guaranteeing this right in Latin American Countries and the Caribbean.

Lawful termination of pregnancy (LTP) in case of rape is legal in various countries of the region, but their characteristics may vary from country to country, therefore, we make available to the community timely information that would help guarantee secure access to Legal Abortion.